Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Break Through... relief

At long last, a break through. I guess we all go through creative blocks. I have been in one that has been HUGE! I mean, GIGANTIC like Godzilla. I did not have words, nor photos, nor interest in making jewelry, not even much interest in cooking anything fun. It's the end of a black year and a year that has been filled with mostly shit. But in the past week, I have rediscovered some old friends and gotten closer to people who have been in my life for years. Also, I have thrown off a gigantic weight. That feels AMAZING. I guess once the weight was gone the creativity began to flow. Unfortunately it did not come in time to make all the presents that I wanted to make for Christmas, but there are loads of birthdays in 2012, so I promise to catch up. It feels good to be back.

Here is something that I put together in the past 15 minutes. My fingers just flew as it came out of my brain. I had all the pieces in my bead box and sitting on my work table. The photo in the locket is hard to see (it's hard to photograph photos that are behind glass, let alone slightly magnified glass) but it is a photo of some old fashioned roses and is made with the vintage process called Van Dyke Brown. On the flip side is an image of a gargoyle on Notre Dame in Paris.

The next few days will be busy preparing for Christmas and a trip to the East Coast. I'm not sure if I will get to post again, but there will be photos from the trip and hopefully there will be snow.

Whichever holiday you choose to celebrate, I hope that it is a spectacular one.