Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Brain Hurts

During this year, I wanted to take the time to learn Adobe's InDesign. I have made a couple of books through Blurb.com with some success, but I have often thought that my books would be better with improved design skills. In an attempt to improve my skills, I registered for an on-line course. This is my first course that is entirely on-line and I am realizing that there are some subjects that I can consume and digest rapidly and some that take me much, much longer. I didn't expect it to be easy, but it has become quite a struggle. Maybe I am too old? Nah, I refuse to accept that excuse. Maybe I am too slow for something so technical? Perhaps. It is pretty technical. I am learning a new language and software while stretching myself artistically. Whatever it is, my brain is pretty exhausted. I can't wait until winter when I take a course in hand-made books.